The Noritsu Koki Group values relationships of mutual understanding and trust with its suppliers, including vendors and contract manufacturers. We aim for mutual growth as business partners while working to build healthy supply chains that are environmentally and socially sustainable. In July 2022, we established the Noritsu Koki Group Procurement Policy, which outlines the items we believe are critical for achieving our goals, and are working to make sure our suppliers are aware of and understand the policy. Through procurement based on this policy, we will reduce risks in the supply chain and work with suppliers to realize both a sustainable society and business growth.



  • Informed all key suppliers about the Group procurement policy
  • Conducted supply chain audits of contract manufacturers through a quality audit framework
  • Conducted human rights risk evaluation
  • Formulated the Group procurement guidelines
  • Establishing a system to ensure business partner compliance

The Noritsu Koki Group has been working to inform its business partners about the Group Procurement Policy since 2023. In 2023, we set and achieved the goal of informing all key suppliers about the policy. During the period of informing suppliers, we established a system, including the setting up of a dedicated contact point, for receiving questions and feedback about the procurement policy from suppliers, and Group companies informed suppliers while working together with them. We conducted supply chain audits of contract manufacturers that partially covered the procurement policy through a quality audit framework. The procurement and purchasing departments of Group companies took the lead in conducting risk assessments of suppliers with respect to human rights issues (visit Respecting Human Rights for details).

In January 2025, with the aim of further propelling our procurement activities based on the policy, we established the Noritsu Koki Group Procurement Guidelines which stipulate specific standards and approaches of behavior we expect our Business Partners to comply with and apply to their business operations. In establishing these guidelines, we have referred to the Code of Conduct of Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the Responsible Business Conduct Guidelines of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA). The guidelines consist of eight sections: Labor, Health and Safety, Environment, Ethics, Quality and Safety, Information Management, Business Continuity Plan, and Management System.

We will further strengthen our supply chain management through establishing a system to ensuring business partner compliance to the guidelines (including identifying and assessing risks related to human rights and conflict minerals) by carrying out self-assessment questionnaires and internal and external audits.