Indicators Units 2022 2023
Environment Energy
Energy consumption (Scope1) MWh 12,704 10,234
Energy consumption (Scope2) MWh 25,332 22,490
Energy intensity (Scope1+2/revenue) MWh/millions of yen 0.527 0.363
Purchased or produced renewable energy MWh 234*3 510*3
GHG Emissions
Scope1 t-CO₂ 2,334 1,897
Scope2 (Location-based) t-CO₂ 11,093 9,963
Scope2 (Market-based) t-CO₂ 9,874 10,294
Emission intensity (Scope1+2/revenue)
*Scope2: market-based
t-CO₂/millions of yen 0.169 0.135
Scope3排出量 t-CO₂ - 295,740
Social Employment and Retention
Total number of employees persons 1,144 1,197
Number of temporary employees (Annual average) persons 238 242
Number of new employees hired (New graduates) persons 30 30
Number of new employees hired (Mid-career hires) persons 88 85
Average length of service years 9.8*4 9.7
Turnover rate (Voluntary) % 5.0 5.6
Health, Safety and Work Environment
Percentage of paid holidays taken % - 52.8
Telework adoption rate % 13.8~100*5 88.0*6
Number of occupational incidents and recurrence rate incidents 1*7 4*7
frequency rate 0.65*7 3.05*7
Number of lost workdays and severity rate of occupational incidents days 0.82*7 42*7
severity rate 0.01*7 0.03*7
Percentage of female employees (All employees) % 28.7 28.2
Percentage of female employees (Management) % 14.3 14.9
"Variation in average annual salary
(Average for women/Average for men)"
% 61.5 62.3
Percentage of foreign employees % - 8.1*8
Percentage of employees hired mid-career % 35.7 44.7
Legally mandated ratio of employees with disabilities(Teibow) % 2.1*9 2.3*9
Legally mandated ratio of employees with disabilities(AlphaTheta) % 1.4*9 1.85*9
Post-retirement reemployment rate % 90.9 100
Percentage of eligible employees taking parental leave % 44 64.1
Average number of days of parental leave taken days 115 122.4
Percentage of eligible employees taking family care leave % 0.1 0.3
Developing Talent
Training hours per employee per year hours/years 12.4*10 18.0*10
Percentage of employees receiving regular reviews of their performance and career development progress % - 90.3
Other Management Capital
Number of engineers persons 324 352
R&D expenditures millions of yen 5,330 6,389
Number of patents number 163 184
Number of countries we serve countries 110 132
Governance*11 Board Meeting
Number of directors persons 6 6
Number of non-executive directors designated as independent officer persons 3 4
Ratio of independent non-executive directors % 50 67
Number of female directors persons 1 1
Ratio of female directors % 17 17
Number of board meetings held times 17 15
Director attendance rate % 100 100
Audit and Supervisory Committee
Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee members persons 3 3
Number of non-executive Audit and Supervisory Committee members persons 3 3
Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings held times 9 9
Average attendance rate at Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings % 100 100
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Number of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members persons 4 4
Number of non-executive Nomination and Remuneration Committee members persons 4*12 4*12
Number of Nomination and Remuneration Committee meetings held times 5 7
Average attendance rate at Nomination and Remuneration Committee meetings % 100 100
  1. *1 Unless otherwise noted, reporting boundry includes Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd. and the consolidated subsidiaries (Teibow Co., Ltd, Teibow Nib Manufacturing (Chang Shu) Co., Ltd, Soliton Corporation, AlphaTheta Corporation, AlphaTheta EMEA Limited, AlphaTheta Music Americas, Inc., AlphaTheta (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., PEAG, LLC dba JLab)
  2. *2 For historical data and details, please refer to our Integrated Reports and other disclosures
  3. *3 Purchased renewable energy is renewable energy by Green Power Certificate
  4. *4 Excluding AlphaTheta subsidiaries (AlphaTheta EMEA, AlphaTheta Music Americas, AlphaTheta (Shanghai))
  5. *5 Telework adoption rate varies significantly depending on job type
  6. *6 100% if Teibow, which has manufacturing sites, and its subsidiaries are excluded
  7. *7 Applies to Teibow, Teibow Nib Manufacturing (Chang Shu) and Soliton
  8. *8 Foreign employees in each country
  9. *9 Applies to companies in Japan that are subject to the employment requirements of the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities
  10. *10 Excluding Teibow subsidiaries (Teibow Nib Manufacturing (Chang Shu), Soliton) and AlphaTheta subsidiaries (AlphaTheta EMEA, AlphaTheta Music Americas, AlphaTheta (Shanghai))
  11. *11 Applies only to Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd.
  12. *12 Including one non-director third-party expert