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Publication of Integrated Report 2024 (English version) - ノーリツ鋼機


Press Release

Publication of Integrated Report 2024 (English version)

Noritsu Koki today released its English version of Integrated Report 2024.

We began issuing an integrated report in 2023 as a way to build good relationship with our stakeholders.
In Integrated Report 2024, we have enhanced the report by providing a frank and comprehensive overview of
the Group’s management policies, the current state of its businesses, growth strategies, creation of social value,
and initiatives for sustainability, among other information.
We will continue to increase the Group’s corporate value by working to gain an accurate understanding of
stakeholders’ opinions and expectations through disclosure and dialogue.
You can access Integrated Report 2024 on our website.
The Japanese version was released at the end of June.

Please see here for details.