JMDC Inc., Announcement of Agreement Regarding Transfer of All Shares of Pharma Information Network, Inc.
JMDC Inc., Summary of Financial Results for the first quarter 2021
JMDC Inc. announces Habitus Care Inc. joined JMDC group
NK Medico co.,LTD.’s “LOX-index(R)” started cooperation with “MRSO”, Japanese largest medical checkup and medical checkup reservation site
Nihon Kyosai Co., Ltd., Announcement of FY2019 financial results
JMDC Inc., Notice regarding stock split and partial amendment of articles of incorporation
JMDC Inc., Notice regarding change in Use of Listed Funding
JMDC Inc., Notice regarding Determination of Terms of Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Paid-in Stock Options)
JMDC Inc., Notice Regarding the Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Paid-in Stock Options)
JMDC Inc., Notification regarding Selection for Loan Transactions
JMDC Inc. announces Flixy Inc. joined the JMDC Group
JMDC Inc. acquires shares of NS PARTNERS CO., LTD.(make a subsidiary)