Nihon Kyosai Co., Ltd., Notice of special measures regarding of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
JMDC Inc. launched the information provision and consultation service against the coronavirus (COVID-19) at ”Pep Up” a service for the health insurance union members
JMDC Inc. acquires shares of NS PARTNERS CO., LTD.(make a subsidiary)
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the March issue of “ナイスミセス”
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the March issue of “花まる工房“
Doctor-NET Inc.’s initiatives were published in Nikkei newspaper
Doctor-NET Inc. signed a joint project agreement regarding diagnostic imaging of the coronavirus (COVID-19) with AI development company in China
JMDC group signed a joint project agreement regarding diagnostic imaging of the coronavirus (COVID-19) with AI development company in China
NK Medico co.,LTD., Cumulative number of patients taking the “LOX-index®” exceeded 300,000~More than 1,700 medical institutions can inspect~
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the March issue of “まるごと生活館”
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the March issue of “ミセスクラブ”
JMDC Inc. acquires shares of mecompany,inc.(make a subsidiary)