Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the April issue of “花まる工房“
JMDC Group launches “メルプWEB問診” for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
NK Medico co.,LTD., Measures to the emergency declaration
Halmek Corporation, Notice of temporary store closure according to the coronavirus (COVID-19)
JMDC Inc. switched a working from home for all employees according to the emergency declaration
JMDC Inc., “JMDC” and “National Center for Child Health and Development” start a joint research
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the April issue of “ミセスクラブ“
Zenkokutsuhan Co., Ltd., Notice of the April issue of “まるごと生活館“
Gene Tech Inc. published the counseling video
UNIKE SOFTWARE RESEARCH CO.,LTD. conducts telework as a measure of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
JMDC Inc., Notification regarding Selection for Loan Transactions
JMDC Inc. announces Flixy Inc. joined the JMDC Group