JMDC Inc. started the joint research with Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy
JMDC Inc. announced “Notification of Polypharmacy Countermeasures” to confront a new social problem “Polypharmacy” with DX
NK Medico co.,LTD. started to provide My Page service
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online seminar ”Patient Support Service Utilizing RWD” on December 9
NK Medico co.,LTD. started to provide a simultaneous measurement antigen test kit for the coronavirus (COVID-19) and Flu A&B
JMDC Inc. signed exclusive sales contract with Fitbit, Inc. for corporate Fitbit Premium in Japanese market
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online seminar ”More usable RWD! Sales &Marketing version of Pharmaceutical ” on November 26
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online seminar ”Know the Personal Information Protection Law that amendmed in 2020 from the perspective of data utilization” on October 30
JMDC Inc., Notice of Issuance of New Shares and Secondary Offering of Existing Shares through an International Offering
JMDC Inc., Notice of Determination of Issue Price , Selling Price and Other Matters for Issuance of New Shares and Secondary Offering of Existing Shares through an International Offering
JMDC Inc., Summary of Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2020 [IFRS] (Consolidated)
JMDC Inc., FY2020 Q2 Financial Briefing Material