Shimane University announced the results of research on mental stress biomarkers which PreMedica is working to commercialize
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online seminar “The dangers of RWD in oncology” on June 9
UNIKE SOFTWARE RESEARCH CO.,LTD., the patient medication follow-up service “フォロナビ®” was featured in 【調剤薬局ジャーナル】
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online seminar “Practice database research 2” on May 26
JMDC Inc., Summary of Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2021 [IFRS] (Consolidated)
JMDC Inc., FY2020 Financial Briefing Material
JMDC Group released “メルプ” application, a service for patients
JMDC Inc., Notice of Confirmed Details of Share Subscription Rights
PreMedica Inc. will start to provide “Prodrome-AD”
JMDC Inc, Notice of the online conference ”JMDC group DATA MARKETING DAY 2021″ on May 19
JMDC Inc, uses Medical Big Data as a basis for selecting recommended drugs for medical institutions
JMDC and Nagakute-shi promote DX for regional healthcare with Disease Onset Prediction AI based on Medical Big Data